Friday 29 August 2014

A Family Meal

Hi Blogheads:

Today I'm going to tell you about a family meal I remember. It was in the 1980's but I don't remember what year. I think we were celebrating my youngest brother's birthday which is on December 23rd. The most important thing is that it was the first family meal after my mother's death. All the family were there. My Dad, my sisters - Terri, Clare, Moe, Lizzie and Fran, and my brothers - Ady, Colin and Ged (the birthday boy). My nephew Dan was also there.
The meal was memorable because it turned into a big food fight. My dad had always been very strict at meal times but on this occasion he just sat there laughing at his crazy children.
I think it was Ady who started the fight by putting a plate of birthday cake in Moe's face. Ged thought this was fun and threw cake at Lizzie, then all hell broke loose. The fight lasted about 5 minutes but it took us about an hour to clean up afterwards. There was cake everywhere! The floor, the ceiling, the walls, the curtains, and of course, al over me, my brothers and sisters. My dad was the only one who escaped food free.
A wonderful memory:)

Write about a family meal you remember.
When it was,
Who was there,
What you were celebrating,
What things you remember.

Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.

Higginson Tribe 2010

Friday 22 August 2014

A Field Trip

I've never been on a Geography field trip so I'm going to tell you about a time I went looking for fossils in Gloucester. I think it must have been in about 1994. I was living with some friends, Pete and Lucy, in Bristol and one day, totally out of the blue, Pete asked me if I wanted to go for a walk by the river to look for fossils. I'd never thought of doing it before but it sounded interesting. We drove for 30 minutes to a part of the River Severn in Gloucester. The Severn is tidal and when we arrived the tide was down. This meant that a lot of the river bank was exposed and it was here that Pete found his fossils. He dug out a small area of the bank and picked out all the medium sized stones. When he washed them in the river I realised that they were snail-shaped fossils. Pete told me what kind of fossils they were but it was so long ago I don't remember.
The reason I thought I'd tell you this story is because some of my ex-students said that they found some fossils on a field trip in Cajon del Maipo and I thought that this was the closest experience I'd had to a field trip.

Write about a field trip you went on last semester.
Where you went,
Who you went with,
The theme of the trip,
What you did,
Whether you enjoyed it or not and why.

Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates.

Friday 1 August 2014

Winter Break

 Hi Blogheads,

Welcome to English 4

I had a rather busy Winter break. I actually only managed to get a couple of half days to relax. I spent some time making music but mainly I did things with my wife: cooking, watching movies and getting together with friends. I had lots of work to do and I still feel a bit stressed. Nevertheless, I still found time to have some fun. I think the most interesting think I did was to take photographs in the General Cemetery in Recoleta at night. I went with a group of 15 other people plus a photographer and a guide. The photographer gave us tips on how to take good photos at night and the guide told us about the history of the cemetery and the people buried there.
Below are some of the photos I took.

Write about one interesting thing you did during the Winter break.
What it was,
Where you did it,
Who you did it with,
Why you enjoyed it.

Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of a least 3 classmates