Friday 1 August 2014

Winter Break

 Hi Blogheads,

Welcome to English 4

I had a rather busy Winter break. I actually only managed to get a couple of half days to relax. I spent some time making music but mainly I did things with my wife: cooking, watching movies and getting together with friends. I had lots of work to do and I still feel a bit stressed. Nevertheless, I still found time to have some fun. I think the most interesting think I did was to take photographs in the General Cemetery in Recoleta at night. I went with a group of 15 other people plus a photographer and a guide. The photographer gave us tips on how to take good photos at night and the guide told us about the history of the cemetery and the people buried there.
Below are some of the photos I took.

Write about one interesting thing you did during the Winter break.
What it was,
Where you did it,
Who you did it with,
Why you enjoyed it.

Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of a least 3 classmates


  1. Professor Simon,
    I'm really interested into get the information for the cemetery tour. Since years now I wanted to go, but the idea always vanishes! So I will thank you a lot if you can give more details.
    You said in the post that you made music.. What kind of music do you like or do you like to play? And which instrument do you play?
    See you in class.

  2. So cool. Me too want go to General Cemetery tour at night

  3. Hi teacher!!!
    Are you on the first photo? and... as I get that effect on the second shot?. I have a similar of the third photography... you winter break were great! is a good pastime!

  4. Good photographs Simonkey :)

  5. Hi Teacher!
    I would not go to the general cemetery at night!
    I'm afraid to go even cemetery at night!!

    1. Why you feel afraid to go cemetery at night?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I was in the General cemetery on the three years ago.
    It was very experience for me and my boyfriends. I have beautiful remember!

  8. How many cemetery visited in your live?

  9. The General cementery is great but I never go to cementery in the night

  10. You spent time with your family. I believe that decision was very good.
