Today I'd like you to write about a teacher you remember. "How boring" I hear you say. But maybe not. Read my story for some inspiration.
When we are asked to write about a teacher people automatically think we mean a good teacher, however, today I'm going to write about a teacher I remember who wasn't so good.
Many hundreds of years ago when I was a schoolboy (yes, amazing! I was a child once) I had a maths teacher called Mr. Kinland. He was famous in my school because he was the teacher who punished naughty children and we used to call him "Killer Kinland".
Anyway, in my second year at high school I was put in his maths class. I'd started my first year in the top grade but I didn't do any work and I was relegated to the second grade. Killer's classes were a joke. He spent most of the class telling us stories about his fishing trips on his yacht and about all the sharks he had caught. The one thing he never talked about was maths! Usually he would tells us to do our classwork as homework and I'm quite sure I never learnt anything about maths from him.
Nevertheless, thanks to my first year in the top grade I already knew most of the material we needed to study. In my final year I had to take a CSE in maths (something like the PSU), there were 3 papers. I remember I did each one in less than 30 minutes and then I calculated my error margin at about 97%. The next week I told Killer I'd get an A in maths and he laughed. He then announced to the class "If Higginson gets an A in maths I'll give him 100 pounds". I was so confident I asked him to shake hands on the deal which he did with my 30 classmates as witnesses.
Sure enough, when the results came out I got a grade A. Killer however claimed he'd never made the bet although my schoolmates backed up my story. I never really expected him to pay me but I didn't expect him to deny what had happen. Anyway, that's life!
Write about a school teacher you remember:
What the teacher's name was,
What the teacher taught,
Why you remember the teacher,
What you liked or disliked a
bout this teacher,
What good or bad qualities the teacher had.
Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.

Your teacher was little reliable
ReplyDeleteThe way classes are adapted to instruct don't need a real interaction between teacher and students, this Prussian model of military classes only give contents in a messianic way. I'm sure that you and other smart classmate can have an A studying alone.
ReplyDeleteyou and your classmates had a great imagination to called your teacher Killer Kinland
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ReplyDeletehahaha, I had a teacher like that, she just talked about life and never taught anything. I liked her because of that, I could just sleep the whole class and don't miss anything important
ReplyDeleteand my little sister tells me she's still doing the same xD
hahaha good comic, very funny.
ReplyDeleteFunn post Simonnn
ReplyDeleteWuaw Teacher, you in the time may have a lot of money, that trickster your teacher
ReplyDeletehaha good history Simon!! Your teacher is a loudmouth
ReplyDeleteIt is funny when a teacher talk about his/her experiences.
ReplyDeleteWho did paint the comic?