Thursday 9 October 2014

A Special Talent

Hi Blogheads,

Today we're going to write about a special skill or talent. It could be playing a musical instrument, doing magic tricks or standing on your head (a yoga asna!). Anyway, I'd like to tell you about my wonderful sense of direction. For some reason, I rarely get lost. My wife says that I'm a human GPS, and I do seem to have some sort of sixth sense when it comes to finding my way around. I've travelled to different places and managed to get from one place to another with relative ease. Additionally, if I go back to a place for a second time, I have no problem in recalling routes I'd taken on my first visit. I've no idea how I developed this talent but I think it's quite useful. One or two other people have commented on this ability but often because it's something they don't do well. I guess your average person my not think it is anything special so I can't really make any comparisons.  I guess it’s been most useful when I’ve been visiting other Citys and Countrys but it’s also good for locating cars in crowded car parks:) Actually, I don't know anybody else with such a good sense of direction although I'm sure there must be others out there.
Maybe I should have been a taxi driver!!

Write about a special talent you have.

What it is,
Why it is useful,
What other people thing of your talent,
How you acquire this talent.

Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates.


  1. Recently, I watched a TV program in NatGeo in which explained how this kind of ability works in women's and men's brains. They did an interesting comparison between men and women following directions. I think it is a useful talent too.

  2. That talent so useful, your wife is right, it is a human GPS

  3. You have a really impressive talent, I'm jealous!

  4. You are a human GPS. I consider that you got this ability because you like to travel but you are talented too.

  5. I wish to have your talent it´s very useful : )

  6. Very useful for know new places. This not only a good spacial orientation, also is a good memory for look special aspect in many places: you are a human Gps, a map and natural born photographer :)

  7. teacher his skill are so useful

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Great talent, my memory is awful
