Friday 17 October 2014

Something You Are Reading

Hi Thursday Blogger,

Today I'd like you write about something you are reading at the moment. I often tend to read various things at the same time. I read the Guardian, a British newspaper, online everyday and novels, academic papers, mangas and comics (when I have time). I also have to read things students have written, essays, blog posts and that sort of think. Currently, I'm reading a novel called "The Bone Clocks" by my favorite (living) British autor David Mitchell. It's a sort of modern day fantasy/drama/thriller thing and although I've only read the first 50 pages or so, I'm really enjoying it. I'm reading it because I'm a big fan of Mitchell - I've read all six of his novels. It's a bit difficult to tell you what it's about at the moment because I'm still trying to get the gist of the story. It's Split into six different sections and I've just started the second one. The first was set in the 1970's and is about a 15-year old girl who runs away from home. She keeps having strange "day-mares" - like nightmares but that happen when you are awake. And in the last one a stange spirit is after her. She witnesses him killing some people she has met but is saved when another spirit enters her body. The second part, which I've just started, is about a 22-year old student at Cambridge University. He's quite well off and is a bit of a casanova. I think Mitchell's most weel-known novel is Cloud Atlas (El Atlas de Las Nubes) which was made into a film recently. That was also a great novel. Here's the tráiler:)
Write about something you are reading at the moment.
What it's called,
What genre it is (novel, academic, manga, newspaper, etc)
Why you are reading it,
Whether you are enjoying it,
What it is about.

Mention anything else that is important. Write at least 250 words. Leave a comment on your teacher's blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates.


  1. I think I will try to read that novel, "The Bone Clocks". I like that kind of genre.

  2. i have never heard about David Mitchell and his books.

  3. do not know this autor,but it seems good so I'll read it

  4. I don't use to read so much. I hope it will change in summer.

  5. Maybe I must to read about this author, I didn't know who are, but look interesting =)

  6. I saw "Claud Atlas" and I had many doubts. i didn't know it was based on a book. Maybe I'll read it to see how it is.

  7. maybe this can be a book that I read in summer afternon of 2015 jaja

  8. I didn't know this author :(

  9. Cloud Atlas! I'm watching the trailer. It is amazing. I would like to read this novel, but I prefer to watch the movie.
